Home Freeware Patch My PC: Easily Update Apps On Your PC

Patch My PC: Easily Update Apps On Your PC

by Behrad

The other day I was cleaning out and I came across my old laptop. The laptop which I haven’t been using for at least 1 year. So I decided it’s time to start it up and see what I have on the laptop.

Off course the laptop took a while to turn on since the battery was completely empathy. Nevertheless after some minutes the battery had enough juice and it turned on. One of the things which was pretty much noticeable was the bad performance so it needed some attention. Since the laptop has still some “decent” hardware I’ve decides to start using it again.

One of the things which I always do is to make sure that all apps installed are up2date. This includes Windows Updates, Virusscanner, drivers and apps. The first two are actually always being taken care of automatically; As soon as your laptop comes online Windows will start download the updates and the same applies for your virusscanner. However that’s not the case with your driver & Apps.

Patch My PC – Update apps on your laptop easily!

In order to update your apps you could update them one by one buy this will take a while. However there is much easier way to do this: Patch My PC. What this application does is it scans all the applications on your system looking for any out-dated application and finds the latest updates. The results are being shown as you can see here below.

  • Outdated programs will be shown in – Red
  • Updated programs will be shown in – Green
  • Not-installed programs will be shown in – Black

You can now select the apps you would like to update and… indeed… Update them! Yes, and this goes without any interaction from you! So no links, manual downloading etc. Patch My PC will simply just do that for you! In case you would like to, there is also the possibility to create a Restore Point before doing the installs.

Patch My PC also offers two very handy features for you such as

  • Scheduler: So you can schedule this tasks every month if you wish too.
  • Uninstaller: So you can uninstall the unnecessary apps on your laptop / PC.

To sum up; this application is a time saver when you need to update lots of apps on your laptop without too much of hassle. Give it a try, I’m sure you would like it!

License: Freeware
Download link: Patch My PC

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