Home Freeware Find Space Hogs With TreeSize

Find Space Hogs With TreeSize

by Behrad

We all have been there… At some point your SSD reaches its full capacity and you can’t save any other document!

Truth to be told, I have never been in this situation but I have seen a lot of cases where the user couldn’t save anything on the SSD. Do what do you do in these cases? Well, you could ask someone who’s familiar with IT to have a look or you can do it yourself. In both scenario’s one of the most chosen software to recommend is TreeSize.

TreeSize To The Rescue…

With TreeSize you can easily find the space hogs. Simply scan the folder, or the entire drive, and it will provide you a list of directories sorted by the largest directories to the smallest. From here you can deep dive into sub folders and locate the large files easily. Once you’ve located the files, you can right-click files or folders in the application to delete or open the files/folder.

Do you prefer to have the hierarchical tree map chart in 2D? That’s possible as well. This chart shows you which file types are found in which folder as well as visualizing the size of each folder for easy disk space management.

TreeSize Licenses:

TreeSize comes in 3 flavors and offers you a Free, Personal & Professional licenses which are perpetual licenses, so nu subscriptions at all.

TreeSize Free: For home usage the Free version is definitely a perfect match, but should you need the ability to Export the results to Excel, HTML and/or Email, you need to have the Personal one at least. The Professional one has all the benefits from the two earlier mentioned versions but adds automation support and command line options to the list. At work I have a Personal license installed on our File Server as I need to be able to Export the results to the end users so they can clean up their shared folder. While I don’t use the Professional version, I do see the added value for it, but we simply don’t use it at work.

Anyway, for home usage, the Free version will absolutely do the job!

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