Home Docker FileBrowser: Web Based File Browser For Your RPi

FileBrowser: Web Based File Browser For Your RPi

by Behrad

Ever wanted to quickly access a file on your RPi or create a folder without the hassle of login to your RPi using SSH? If yes, then you’ll like FileBrowser.

FileBrowser is an awesome open source and self-hosted container which I found through the APP Template in Portainer. It simply offers you a web interface where you get to manage files and folders on your RPi. This is pretty handy since you don’t need to access your RPi with SSH!

How To Install FileBrowser?

The installation is very easy but since I like to modify some things I’ve created the below docker compose file which you can use as well. Some notes on the docker compose here below

  • As you can see here below I’ve granted root access by selecting user: 1000:1000. This way I can manage all files & folders on my RPi.
  • You can change the ports from 49236 to any other ports.
  • I’ve created a persistent volume in “/home/pi/Configs/FileBrowser”. You can change this if required. However if you do this, please don’t delete filebrowser.db as this is needed.
version: '3'
    image: filebrowser/filebrowser
    container_name: FileBrowser
    user: 1000:1000
      - 49236:80
      - /:/srv
      - /home/pi/Configs/FileBrowser/filebrowser.db:/database.db
    restart: unless-stopped

How to use FileBrowser?

Once the installation is done go to http://RPI-IPADRES:49236 and login using the standard admin/admin login. As always, change this to something secure right away!

Now you’ll be presented with the list of your files & folders, open files, edit them, delete them and even Share files & folders! This is simply awesome!

Please note that on default you need to double clicks on folders to open them. Yeah, I know… Who double clicks in a browser but hey, don’t forget… You’re browsing files & folder through a web interface! 😉 Off course this can be changed in the settings as well! 😉

Basically there is no down side of using this and this will make things much easier, so give it a try!

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